Monday, October 6, 2008

Menu Plan Monday 10/6-10/12

Ahhhh.... another Monday. I'm not the best at the 'get up and go' portion of the morning, especially on Mondays, but I've found that the more prep work I've done the night before the easier it is to get everyone out of the house on time. Laying out our clothes, packing lunches, and thinking about what to have for breakfast is tons simpler at night when my mind is clear.

I usually do my menu planning on Sundays as I'm prepping the grocery list. Sometimes the menu plan includes specific recipes, but mostly is just a general idea of what we'll be cooking. I'm more of a fly by the seat of my pants chef unless I'm trying something new.

This week, here's what we'll be having:

oatmeal x2
cereal x2

varies per person


Monday: Breakfast for dinner (probably eggs/toast)

Tuesday: Chicken & veggies

Wednesday: Mac & Cheese

Thursday: Garlic Chicken & Spinach over pasta

Friday: Turkey tacos

Saturday: Cod fillets & veggies

Sunday: depends

Um... okay, usually I don't plan out 7 dinners a week. I've found 5 works out the best, as sometimes there are leftovers that don't get taken in lunches and we occasionally go out to dinner on Fridays as a date night. And dinners can also get switched around depending on schedules. Mondays and Wednesdays are school nights for G, so E and I are on our own for dinner. Usually we have something easy or kid friendly. Having things planned out so we can keep to a schedule is crutial on those days so we don't get distracted and forget about dinner completely.

Usually more menus can be found weekly at Org Junkie but today I'm not seeing the Mr.Linky... maybe she'll get it fixed soon.

What are you having this week?

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