Monday, November 17, 2008

Pantry Challenge at the Nourished Kitchen

Now that winter's winds are blowing and our pantries are (hopefully) stocked, Jenny at The Nourished Kitchen is challenging us to use those pantries for what they were intended - eating! Check out the link and then come right back, k?

Ok, for those of you that don't want to click away to check it out:

The Rules:
  • The Pantry Challenge Begins at 12:01 a.m. on December 1st and ends at 12:01 a.m. on January 1st.
  • Post your progress by Wednesday of each week.
  • Check-in here every Wednesday after you post for that week’s mini-challenge (i.e. Pantry Inventory, Meal Planning etc.) and to let us know your progress and share any tips you might have.
  • Use only what’s in your pantry, freezer and cupboards. Be inventive and creative.
  • If you desperately need to head to the store, keep your tab under $10 per week per person over 13 and $5 per week per person under 13 not to exceed $50 per week.
  • Keep a running total of any money spent on food in each of your Pantry Challenge blog posts.

  • Inventory Your Pantry, Cupboards, Cellar and Freezer
  • Do some bulk shopping now to prepare for December
  • Meal Plan, Meal Plan, Meal Plan

So who's in? Now you really do have to follow that link and go sign up. You'll be entered for the prize (a vintage cookbook) when you do and if you mention it on your own blog you'll get more entries. Then there's another vintage cookbook that you could become eligible for by going back every week and playing along with the mini-challenges.

Come on! It'll be fun-- I promise.

And if anyone wants to de-lurk long enough to tell me that they're playing along, I might even consider a prize during one of the mini-challenges of the month.

I'll be posting meal ideas and photos of my bulging freezer in the next week to show you where I'm beginning from and we'll see how much progress we make....

Can't wait to have you join in the fun!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Coming out of the Fog

Lighthouse in Fog
Originally uploaded by *clairity*
I woke up after a month of the fog of illness. A virus turned sinus infection has sapped my strength, energy and drive for the last 4 weeks and I am so thankful it's over.

Unfortunately, I find that most of my coupon stash and all my CVS ECBs have expired while I was hibernating. During my illness, shopping was a low priority and the few trips that we made were emergency trips for milk and not much more. Eating out has also been higher than normal since no one has felt like cooking. Our neighborhood Vietnamese restaurant knows our order by heart now.

Yesterday I made a tentative meal plan and a monster grocery list. We need to get back into the habits of taking our lunches to work/school and cooking at home. Our pantry and freezer are filled to the brim and I'm ready to get back into the kitchen. Last night we made a big pot of beans and a pan of cornbread (yummy!), and this morning lunches were gathered up -- I really need to get on the ball with making lunches at night. Mornings are not my strong suit.